

For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve…

Mark 10:45

Interested in getting involved in one of our ministries? Have a passion to serve and love people? Then you may be a great fit for one of our ministry teams.

Serve in our church

Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom

All our volunteers serve on one of four teams
Each team serves once a month

Click the button below for the sign up form to volunteer

Volunteer FAQ

How do I volunteer?

In order to volunteer in one of our ministries, all our volunteers must complete and submit a volunteer form and be screened by our staff prior to joining a team.

How do I volunteer with kids & youth?

All those wishing to serve in our Next Gen ministries must obtain a Vulnerable Sector Police Check. Those wishing to work with children and youth must also complete a ministry interview, attend our mandatory Plan to Protect Training, and provide 3 references.

How long do I have to attend before I can volunteer?

All our volunteers must be regular attenders for a minimum of six months before they will be considered for a volunteer role.

Can I be refused as a volunteer?

Yes. If you fail to provide any of the information that is required for our volunteer roles you may be denied as a volunteer in any of our ministries. We take the safety of our church seriously and want to ensure the best volunteers are serving.

Ministry Interests

Welcome Team

Ushers and Greeters

Audio/Visual Team

Audio/visual professionals or those willing to learn: soundboard operators, livestream operators, lyric operators, etc.

Worship Team

Singers, musicians, etc.

Outreach Ministry

Home and hospital visits, get-well cards, phone calls, email, prayer, and benevolent assistance

Kids Ministry

Sunday School teachers, nursery workers, special event organizers, sound, lyrics, check-in, etc.

Jr. High Ministry

Leaders, Sunday teachers, convention leaders, worship team, etc.

Youth Ministry

Leaders, Event Coordinators, convention leaders, worship team, outreach, lyrics, sound, etc.

Young Adults Ministry

Leaders, Event Coordinators, worship team, outreach, lyrics, sound, video, etc.

Questions about volunteering? Click the button below to reach out.

We’d love to clarify any questions.