New Here?
No matter who you are or where you’ve been,
you’re welcome here.
Get Connected
Welcome to our church! We're glad you're here. Our team is dedicated to serving you and making you feel at home. To help us connect with you and provide the best support, please fill out a connection card.
This will allow us to keep you informed about upcoming events, programs, and ways to get involved in our community. We look forward to getting to know you better and helping you grow in your faith journey.

Sunday Mornings at 10:30am
We look forward to meeting you and getting to know you better. We believe God has brought you here for a purpose—it's time to grow deeper in your relationship with Christ, love and serve others in the church and community, and be part of the kingdom of God for His glory.
During our Sunday service, we express our hearts to God through singing, raising hands, clapping, dancing, and rejoicing.
After our time of praise and worship, a message from the Bible is shared to encourage personal growth in Christ. These sermons often include humor, stories, and illustrations, and conclude with a time of worshipful reflection and response at the altar. See you on Sunday!

Join a Small Group
Discover community and spiritual growth by joining a small group! Throughout the week, we offer a variety of groups tailored to different needs and interests. Whether you're a man, woman, senior, kid, youth, or young adult, there's a place for you.
Our small groups provide a space to build meaningful relationships, deepen your faith, and support one another in prayer and encouragement.
Visiting a church for the first time can be a little daunting. Where do I go? Where do my kids go? Is it safe? What will the music be like? What is the teaching like? What will people be wearing?
These are all valid questions to ask when looking for a new church.
We have designated parking available for our first time visitors however our lot does fill up quickly.
Additional parking is available next door at Hillcrest Mall.
Please be mindful to keep all fire routes clear.
Just be yourself! We want you to feel comfortable. After all, we are thrilled that you’re joining us and want you to be more focused on the service than what you’re wearing.
Some people dress casually, some dress culturally and others prefer to put on their “Sunday best,” and that’s fine too! We think you’ll fit in no matter how you dress.
During our praise and worship portion of the service, we express our heart to God in a variety of ways. Some people sing, raise their hands, clap, dance, and rejoice in the presence of God. Since we also believe in the active moving of the Holy Spirit in our church, you may also experience a message in tongues, interpretation, or prophecy according to the gifts of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12 and 14. We also have times in the service where people are invited to the front to pray for healing, deliverance, or salvation.
Following our praise and worship portion of the service, a message is shared from the Bible. These messages are called sermons and are meant to encourage everyone to grow in their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Often using humour, stories, and illustrations, messages proclaim the Word of God. Sermons conclude with a time of worshipful reflection and response around the altar.
For parents with young children, our nursery and toddler program is available in the lower level for the duration of the service. You may sign in and drop your child off at the beginning of the service.
Our kids (for all kids from kindergarten to grade 5) enjoy their own exciting Kids Church program led by our Kids Ministry Director and team, also in the lower level.
Jr. High students (grades 6-8) may also join their own class in the lower level during the sermon. They are dismissed following the worship portion of the service.
All our volunteers meet or exceed all our requirements in our Plan to Protect Program for the safety and welfare of all our children!