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"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…"
Matthew 28:19

We reach out beyond our walls and share the love of Jesus in our local and global community. RHPC helps fight poverty, disease, and oppression through partnerships with missions organizations around the world. Learn more about our global partnerships and how you can make a difference!

Missions is not about programs, it’s about people!

It’s about sharing the love of Christ with those we meet, whether we’re in our own neighborhood or across the world. Through our generosity and willingness to serve, we can have a powerful and positive influence in people’s lives. Every day is an opportunity to share Jesus in practical and relevant ways!

Active Missions

Cuba Missions

Since 2012, Richmond Hill Pentecostal Church has been assisting churches, pastors, and their families in Cuba.

If you would like to make a donation to our annual missions initiatives in Cuba, please make your cheque payable to Richmond Hill Pentecostal Church and designate it “Cuba Missions.”

Thank you for your generosity!

Ministry to Dalits in Northern India

The Dalit people — also known as “Untouchables” — have been the most oppressed caste for over 3,000 years, living at the bottom of India’s rigid social order. The word “Dalit” means “broken, ground-down, downtrodden, or oppressed.” Dalits comprise about ¼ of the population of India: that’s seven times the entire population of Canada.

With the help of supporters like Richmond Hill Pentecostal Church, we strive to:


Provide quality education to Dalit children in the rural villages of India. Impart to Dalit children human worth and dignity, spiritual renewal and social equality; giving every Dalit child an opportunity to know that they are created by a God who loves them. Provide Dalit men and women vocational training skills that will enable them to achieve economic independence.
Develop public health education and disease prevention in rural areas of India. Bring about a Canadian awareness of the plight of the Dalit people.

Felix and Cecelia (Hannah) Chiriseri South Africa

Felix and Cecelia’s vision is to see lives and communities transformed through Gospel empowerment and to be catalysts for change through Community Health Evangelism (CHE). They integrate evangelism and discipleship with community health and development – finding real, long-term solutions that address the complexities of poverty and disease.

Their strategy includes encouraging, engaging, equipping and empowering pastors and church leaders in communities by providing discipleship and basic life skills training, HIV/AIDS training, youth empowerment, income generating projects for widows and communities and children’s ministry.

Through this work, Jesus is magnified and the development activities bring glory to God by reflecting the purpose of His Kingdom plan. They also oversee the ChildCare Plus (CCP) sponsorship ministry, reaching out to children in Pretoria’s townships.

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Teen Challenge

Adult & Teen Challenge is a Christian discipleship program aimed at helping people who are struggling with addiction. It was founded in 1958 by the late Rev. David Wilkerson (author of The Cross & The Switchblade). There are now 1400 programs operating 118 countries, including the Women’s Centre in Aurora, Ontario and the Men’s Centre in London, Ontario.

Whether you are struggling with a life-controlling addiction, or know someone who is, you don’t have to face it alone. Our 12-month residential programs for men and women 18+ can help you find freedom from your addictions. Individual & group mentoring, spiritual disciplines, Global Teen Challenge curriculum, work therapy, community service and recreational activities make our program well-rounded and unique. Our model for recovery is based on biblical principles, accountability and support.

Emergency Relief and Oversea Development

Established in 1983, the Emergency Relief and Overseas Development arm of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada has been helping people through crises of war, natural disaster and the hunger and thirst of poverty to over 35 countries.

ERDO workers, working from the best-practice methodology and results-based measurements, bring short-term relief of food, emergency shelter and clean water in times of crisis and natural disaster. ERDO is focused on four key areas that span from immediate aid to long-term programs: crisis response, food assistance, child sponsorship and community development.

Long-term development brings communities to a point where they are self-sustaining and stable. This is the ultimate goal of ERDO – to “do good”, not just for today, but for the long term.

Samaritan Purse Outreach Canada

Samaritan’s Purse Canada is a nondenominational evangelical Christian organization that has been providing spiritual and physical aid to hurting people around the world since 1970. They partner with their supporters in Canada such as Richmond Hill Pentecostal Church to provide compassionate and cost-effective assistance to anyone who needs it, regardless of religion, race, gender or socio-economic standing. Their emergency relief programs provide desperately needed assistance to victims of natural disaster, war, disease, and famine.

Through community development and vocational programs, RHPC helps people break the cycle of poverty and exploitation – giving them hope for a better tomorrow. Through education, shelter, and long-term care projects, plus our Operation Christmas Child shoe box program, we provide help and joy to vulnerable children.

Community Food Assistance Program

At Christmas and Easter, Richmond Hill Pentecostal Church provides food voucher assistance to families who are less-fortunate in our local community. To access our Community Food Assistance Program:

  • Families do not need to be members of Richmond Hill Pentecostal Church to access our Community Food Assistance Program

  • Government-issued photo identification and contact information is required

  • Assistance can only be accessed during Christmas or Easter at the discretion of our staff and the availability of the food vouchers

  • Food vouchers can not be sold or given to a third party

  • Food vouchers can only be giving per household


For more information about our Community Food Assistance Program, please contact our office at 905-884-5149.

The Embassy Student Church Humber College, Toronto Pastor Trevor Gingerich

The Embassy exists to help students discover hope, purpose and life to its fullest through the message, mission and living person of Jesus Christ. It’s a place where students can gather to worship regularly and be exposed to biblical teaching that’s applicable to their surroundings and pertinent to their unique stage in life.

Although studies show that large numbers of Christian young people turn away from faith during post-secondary education, Trevor is actively working to reverse these statistics. He believes that our Canadian colleges and universities represent mission fields that require missionaries.

Would you consider helping him reach this influential community of student leaders in our nation?

Crisis Partners
Helping Pentecostal Churches in Need

Crisis Partners assists northern Ontario and First Nations churches with emergency repairs and renovations through the Western Ontario District of the PAOC.

The Crisis Partners fund was established for the purpose of meeting special needs considered to be a crisis for local churches in the Western Ontario District of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. Each year, our District Superintendent will appeal to the partners giving short explanation of the crisis situations that may include: health and safety issues, repairs or improvements to churches or pastoral dwellings, or other exceptional circumstances.

Watoto African Children’s Choir Uganda

The Watoto Children’s Choir is a unique ‘reaching out’ tool. Reach people in your organization, community or church. Address issues of global significance and fuel your missions or outreach program to care for the orphan and widow.

Each child in the Watoto Children’s Choir has suffered the loss of one or both parents and now lives in a Watoto village. The experience of traveling in a choir helps the children to develop confidence and boldness, as well as broadening their worldview.

Accompanied by a team of adults, the choir presents Watoto’s vision and mission by sharing personal stories, music, and dance. While on the road, the children act as advocates for the millions of other African children who have experienced the same heartbreaking pain and suffering as them.

Noah’s Ark Children’s Orphanage Philippines

Noah’s Ark was founded by Linda Veldhuizen in 1989 in a rural northern community of the Philippines, arising out of a need for temporary shelter for orphaned, abandoned and malnourished children. On an average Noah’s Ark has around 45 children in the Home at one time.

The children range in age from a few months to college students and some have special needs such as cerebral palsy. Donations to Noah’s Ark will go towards food, clothing, healthcare and the education of the children.

Village of Hope Tanzania

Village of Hope Tanzania opened in 2013. It is located in northern Tanzania on the shore of Lake Victoria. Currently, there are ten children’s homes and one youth transition home on-site. Over 300 students attend the on-site school and over 290 children benefit from the feeding program. We recently began development of a second location one hour from Mwanza in Bulale. Plans are underway to begin a feeding program and preschool in early 2018.

McCrea Family Colombia,
Latin America, and the Caribbean

Darren, a Canadian, has ministered in Colombia since 1995. Patty is Colombian and a teacher with a specialty in Child Psychology. She has served in missions since 1993. They have two wonderful boys James and Darien.

Their ministry includes:

  • Training Latino missionaries, many of whom will be ministering in closed nations.

  • Mobilization means organizing events like community and medical outreaches and raising up local Christians to serve. Their heart is to see Colombians reaching Colombians!

  • International Short Term Outreach Teams help build up local churches through construction projects and training. Team members have opportunities to love needy children and to share the Gospel in schools, shopping malls and other public venues.

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